
Training Code Date Duration Venue Fees
T-AM-53 04-Sep-2024 07-Sep-2024 4 days Online
USD 3150

Certified Maintenance & Reliability Practitioner (CMRP)

Certified Maintenance & Reliability Practitioner (CMRP)
SMRP Organization
The Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP) is a nonprofit professional society formed by practitioners to develop and promote excellence in maintenance, reliability, and physical asset management while creating leaders in the profession. SMRP provides unparalleled value for individual practitioners and professionals looking to expand their knowledge, skills & build more business connections with others. SMRP is the premier asset management resource for companies looking to improve their processes and procedures. SMRP provides ANSI-accredited certification programs to validate the skills of practitioners and give them an edge when applying for jobs in maintenance and reliability.

CMRP Certification

The CMRP is the only certification program of its kind accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which follows the globally-recognized ISO standards for its accreditation purposes. The test is a thorough examination of a broad scope of expertise measured against the universal standard. It was developed to assess professionals’ aptitude within the five pillars of the SMRP Body of Knowledge (BoK), which include: Business & Management, Equipment Reliability, Manufacturing Process Reliability, Organization & Leadership, and Work Management.


      The CMRP is available to any maintenance and reliability professional, regardless of educational background or work experience. Candidates interested in sitting for the CMRP must:

      - Complete and submit the CMRP application

      - Pay all applicable fees in advance

      - Have not sat for the exam within the past six (6) months

      SMRP - CMRP Body Of Knowledge & Recommended Reading Material


      The Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional (CMRP) Program Is The Leading Credential For Certifying Knowledge, Skills & Abilities Of Maintenance, Reliability & Physical Asset Management (PAM) Professionals.

      Maintenance & Reliability Best Practice  (MRBR) Online Course & CMRP Exam Preparation the program will consist 6 days program that will explain & cover the CMRP Body Of knowledge (BoK) core pillars, & give delegates enough time to study & prepare for the SMRP-CMRP Online Exam


      Understanding the SMRP-CMRP Five Pillars Body Of Knowledge.

      Increase your chances of passing the enviable CMRP certification exams.

      Understand the inputs to develop a comprehensive asset management strategy.

      Understand how to develop an effective maintenance strategy using the RCM process.

      Understand the key proactive elements to improve asset availability and reliability performance.


      1. Known Best Practices in Maintenance and Reliability from around the world will be explained and discussed

      2. Explanation & Discussion of Best Practices in Maintenance Strategy Development, Modification & PF Curve

      3. Proven World Class Maintenance Planning & Scheduling Best Practices

      4. How to change to proactive mod Barriers and Solutions to Effective Work Execution – Change Management

      5. Leading and Lagging KPIs for Proactive Maintenance and Reliability Work Processes

      Who should attend

      Maintenance & Reliability Manager

      Engineering Manager

      Asset Integrity Manager

      Physical Asset (PA) Manager

      Plant / Operation Manager

      Manufacturing Managers

      Reliability Engineers/ Superintendent

      Maintenance & Operation Superintendents

      Maintenance Engineers/ Supervisors

      Planning Engineers / Planners

      Additional Information

      Benefits of Certification

      Clearer direction for career development and education

      Improved visibility and recognition within your current organization

      Differentiated pay scales

      Portable job skills and the knowledge between plants and companies

      Assists in job promotion & Greater job effectiveness

      Fewer frustrations with gaps in knowledge

      Improved ability to differentiate between candidates in the hiring and promotion process

      Improved on-the-job training and outside training effectiveness. 

      Certified Maintenance & Reliability Practitioner (CMRP)
      • »» COURSE OVERVIEW 1
      • »» Maintenance & Reliability Pretest. 1
      • »» Reliability Engineering Concept & Calculation. 1
      • »» M&R Terms Definition, RAMS, SAMP, AMP, MTBF, MTTR, etc. 1
      • »» Asset Utilization & OEE. 1
      • »» Reliability Curves & Asset Performance 1
      • »» Asset Reliability Excellence (Rex) Module. 1
      • »» Creating strategic direction & Plan 0.5
      • »» Building a Reliability business Case & Selling it to stakeholders 0.5
      • »» Reliability Business System (RBS) 0.5
      • »» Asset & Business Risk Management 0.5
      • »» Change Management 0.5
      • »» Creating measurement and performance evaluation systems 0.5
      • »» Leading & Lagging Indicators 0.5
      • »» Maintenance and Operations performance agreements 0.5
      • »» Stakeholders Communication Plan & Developing RACI Chart 0.5
      • »» Managing EHS Risk – Reliable Plant is Safe Plant. 0.5
      • »» Maintaining process and industry standards and specifications 0.5
      • »» Understanding the manufacturing process 0.5
      • »» Manufacturing effectiveness techniques 0.5
      • »» Process Variation Measurement & Improvement Tools 0.5
      • »» Seven Quality Control Tools 0.5
      • »» Reliability Modeling (RBD, CA, FMEA & FMECA) 0.5
      • »» Technical Standards and Compliance 0.5
      • »» Managing the effects of change (Management of Change and Change Management) 0.5
      • »» Apply The Most Appropriate Maintenance Best Practice. 0.5
      • »» Determining equipment and process performance expectations. 0.5
      • »» Establishing current performance levels and analyze gaps. 0.5
      • »» Problem Solving Techniques. 0.5
      • »» Establishing a maintenance strategy to assure asset performance. 0.5
      • »» PdM Program Development and Justification. 0.5
      • »» Justifying the new strategy 0.5
      • »» Executing the new strategy. 0.5
      • »» Reviewing performance and adjusting the strategy. 0.5
      • »» P-F Curve, Cost of Failure & Predicating Failures 0.5
      • »» Assessing organization compliance, direction, Requirements and Capability. 0.5
      • »» Developing the maintenance and reliability organizational structure. 0.5
      • »» Developing the maintenance and reliability sta¬ff skills & competency 0.5
      • »» Communicating maintenance and reliability performance to the organization. 0.5
      • »» Work Identifying & Developing a prioritization system. 0.5
      • »» Effectively planning work prior to scheduling. 0.5
      • »» Effectively scheduling work and managing the backlog 0.5
      • »» Effectively managing resources & Documenting work execution. 0.5
      • »» Reviewing history and identifying failures. 0.5
      • »» Measuring and reviewing performance. 0.5
      • »» Material Management control & improvement. 0.5
      • Rex Pro Management Team believe that learning is not only about acquiring technical skills, it is also about learning behaviors & Competencies that are desirable for work in plant operation & maintenance critical dimensions. Our holistic teaching develops our delegates' personal effectiveness to function both as an individual and as a team player. The course delivery & modes of instruction will incorporate theory , practical skills and Q&A sessions. 
      • To enhance learning outcomes, theory sessions will comprise classroom based lecture that will intersperse with interactive discussions, scenario-based, case-study, group exercises, video clips, power point slides, learners' Guide and the application of various tools which will be provided to help in the delegates and participants of the learning’s objectives. With successful implementation of the learnt skills they are bound to enhance Individual & Organizational growth.
      • For online / Interactive Virtual sessions, Delegate should have a stable & good Internet connection on his Laptop.

      On successful completion of this training course, REX Pro’s Certificate with eligible Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE), will be awarded to the delegates , one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance

      Course Features

      • Core : Training
      • Category : Asset Management
      • Days : 4
      • Duaration : 32 Hours